Our first stop for the day was by the river at Bulahdelah. A Tawny Grassbird shot across the road as we left the highway and White-cheeked Honeyeaters were very vocal. Tree Martins inspected old Fairy Martin nests under the bridge. After 30 odd minutes we had managed 34 species but sadly dipped on the now famous Radjah Shelduck.
We then drove down to Bombah Point still hoping for the Shelduck but again dipped. Blue-faced Honeyeater, Whistling Kite and Eastern Yellow Robin was added to the list.
Next stop was Tuncurry. The flowering eucalypts around the caravan were full of Scaly-breasted, Rainbow and Little Lorikeets but no Swifts. Spinebills, White-cheeked Honeyeater, Little Wattlebird and Noisy Friarbird were also common. A pair of Tawny Frogmouths were seen roosting, an Osprey glided over and a male Satin Bowerbird was welcomed.
We soon got sick of viewing Lorikeets so headed up to Wingham Brush (not before watching a Square-tailed Kite gliding over Taree) in an attempt to add some much needed rainforest birds to our Hunter year lists. Along the road opposite the the Brush we saw Brown Thornbill, Golden Whistler, Red-browed Finch, Brown Cuckoo-dove, Torresian Crow, Spangled Drongo and a stunning male Regent Bowerbird, a year tick for both of us.

Excellent days birding .